Thursday, August 21, 2008

Margie's Affirmation

I affirm that I am one with the Infinite power of the Universe and that my life is a perfect reflection of the standards I set for myself. Therefore I demand of myself of the following:

I am a morning person. I wake up easily and naturally with the sun, refreshed, full of energy, full of gratitude, and excited to create each new day. My mind is open to the consideration of all that is around me.

I am beautiful. People notice me right away and comment on my beauty. My body is thin and lean. I am strong, healthy, flexible, and have an abundance of energy. My nails are professionally manicured, and my skin is soft and supple. My hair is thick and attractively styled. I make relaxation and pampering a priority, and regularly enjoy massages and other spa treatments in peaceful settings. I wear clothes that I love, are comfortable, and compliment my beautiful figure.

I consistently maintain a home that is simple, beautiful, clean, neat and tidy, as well as a yard that is lush, clean and beautifully landscaped . My car is clean and beautiful inside and out.

I am thrilled with every aspect of my life and actively seek activities that bring joy to me personally.

Throughout each day, I have more than enough energy and more than enough time to accomplish all my desires.

Money is in abundance all around me and constantly circulating in my life. Money flows to me easily, my wealth increases daily, and I have more than enough for my needs and wants.

Our financial accounts maintain the following minimum balances:

$1,000,000 in Thrift Savings
$100,000 in Vanguard
$10,000 in the house fund.
$10,000 in my business account.
$5,000 in my play account.
$5,000 in my checking account.
$100,000 in my IRA.

I pay cash for all purchases under $1,000 and pay all debt balances under $20,000 in full every month.

I am accustomed to these standards and take consistent and strategic action to maintain them. These include:

• daily written expression of gratitude
• daily personal development to maintain my mindset of wealth and abundance
• daily revenue producing activity to increase my exposure and explode my income

I am a chronic finisher! When I decide to work on a project, I do it thoroughly, completely, and quickly. I only take on projects that:

1. match my values
2. utilize my unique abilities and talents
3. benefit society
4. make sense financially

I am smart, funny, and quick witted. I choose to see the unlimited potential in each child of God and treat each person I meet with the honor, reverence, and respect that royalty deserves. I consciously spread joy and happiness everywhere I go, and people love to be around me.

I am a recognized leader and top income earner with Liberty League International and people flock to me to find out my secrets. Aces are irresistibly drawn to me, pay in full immediately, and succeed wildly.

I clean out my email every day and go to bed each night with complete satisfaction that I have taken sufficient action toward my goals. As I drift off to sleep I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for my life and for the time I have been given on this earth.

I go to sleep quickly, sleep soundly, and awaken completely refreshed. My future is open, unreserved, and waiting for me to create it with each new day.

Margie Remmers is an author, mom, business owner and entrepreneur. After her stressful life caused her to be rushed to the hospital due to a suspected heart attack, she transformed her life using three things:
-- the Beyond Freedom life achievement course
-- an amazing business opportunity that has allowed her to make more one day than she use to make in a year with a previous home business
-- a community of people who are positive, encouraging, motivating, and uplifting.

Margie has chronicled her story in the book, Don't Stress...Your Life is Calling: 5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Permanently Eliminate Stress (So You Can Get on With Your Life), available at:

She is available for business support at 703-921-9015.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Aisza Wilde's Affirmation

I am on a mission to build a financial legacy for my family and make a profound impact on the world. I am preparing a foundation that will allow me, my children and my grandchildren to live a life of freedom, abundance and service. I am here to inspire, uplift and bring others together. Therefore, I am committed to building a team of flourishing Summit Advisors who share my enthusiasm for extending the impact of Liberty League International and continue to build winning teams of their own.

I am a master prospector and I am the leader that everyone wants to go into business with. I am so happy and grateful now that I am collecting full Summit payments on a regular basis. I am really good at making money and I’m getting better. I am laser focused on my goal of making $100,000 per month. I am providing products and services whose value far exceeds their asking price. Therefore, I deserve every penny.

I know that God himself prepared me for success here and I feel like I am winning. I know that I already possess all of the talents and abilities that are required to achieve my financial goals and I am perfecting my skills every day. Every day in every way I am getting better and better. I forgive myself of my mistakes and I am ready to receive the financial resources that will enable me to take possession of my blessings.

About Aisza Wilde: I found Liberty League International in May of 2006. I was an independant accountant working out of my home after a four-year stint as the CFO of a non-profit organization. I was making decent money and working from home, but the work required a great deal of focus. I actually started looking into buying a car wash. Iwas looking at investing about $500,000 (which I didn't have at the time) into a local car wash and anticipating about a $65,000 per year return. That's when I came accross LLI. I took one look at the return on investment here and dropped the car wash idea like a hot potato! Within 3 months I was a fully qualified Summit Advisor and in the position to make those sweet $14k profits for the rest of my life! My best month in the business so far is $34,000 net profit - which was more than my husband was making in an entire year at his teaching job, so he retired at the age of 36. I slowly phased out the cumbersome accounting business and now LLI is all I do! This is my home and I am focused on spreading this powerful message. I can be reached for support at 801-703-5382.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Aisza Wilde's Affirmation

I am on a mission to build a financial legacy for my family and make a profound impact on the world. I am preparing a foundation that will allow me, my children and my grandchildren to live a life of freedom, abundance and service. I am here to inspire, uplift and bring other together. Therefore, I am committed to building a team of 20 new flourishing Summit Advisors by December 31, 2008 who share my enthusiasm for extending the impact of Liberty League International and continue to build winning teams of their own.

I am a master prospector and I am the leader that everyone wants to go into business with. I am so happy and grateful now that I am collecting full Summit payments on a regular basis. I am really good at making money and I’m getting better. I am laser focused on my goal of $100,000 per month. I am providing products and services that far exceed their asking price. Therefore, I deserve very penny.

I know that God himself prepared me for success here. I know that I already possess all of the talents and abilities that are required to achieve my financial goals and I am perfecting my skills every day. Every day in every way I am getting better and better. I forgive myself of my mistakes and I am ready to receive the financial resources that will enable me to take possession of my blessings as follows:

About Aisza Wilde: I found this business in May of 2006. I was an independant accountant working out of my home after a four-year stint as the CFO of a non-profit organization. I was making decent money and working from home, but the work required a great deal of focus. I actually started looking into buying a car wash. Iwas looking at investing about $500,000 (which I didn't have at the time) into a local car wash and anticipating about a $65,000 per year return. That's when I came accross LLI. I took one look at the return on investment here and dropped the car wash idea like a hot potato! Within 3 months I was a fully qualified Summit Advisor and in the position to make those sweet $14k profits for the rest of my life! My best month in the business so far is $34,000 net profit - which was more than my husband was making in an entire year at his teaching job, so he retired at the age of 36. I slowly phased out the cumbersome accounting business and now LLI is all I do! This is my home and I am focused on spreading this powerful message. I can be reached for support at 801-703-5382.